Monday, September 21, 2015

Key West Cemetery

I know it weird, but as I think I've said before, I love to wander around cemeteries, particularly old ones, reading the headstones and photographing unusual monuments.  Key West Cemetery was much larger than I had expected - reportedly over 100,000 people are buried there.  Evidence of hurricane damage is everywhere, but people are still being buried there. 

Some areas look completely haphazard, while others are relatively neatly laid in rows.

Asleep, not dead - well, that's one way to look at it.

This 2004 marker belongs to Captain Outrageous, aka Norm Taylor from Columbus, OH.  His friends are obviously still partying without him.

I'm guessing single old maid with a houseful of cats. 

Loved this one!  Take a closer look...
He had fun.

Some crypts look like houses.

Here's a fenced Cuban enclave, complete with benches

This one made me a little nervous - did he escape already or are we waiting?
They're going to have to buy another carport pretty soon!

Iguanas heavily populated the cemetery, retreating into holes under the monument when you approached.

And this bird was standing sentinel on one person's grave.

This bird stood sentinel on one grave. 

I truly mean no disrespect when I write these posts about cemeteries and graves and I hope no one is offended reading this.  I quietly and respectfully visit and like to wonder about the people that were so full of life and personality that it spilled over to their headstones when they were gone.  I mean, how great is it that, no matter what other things he'd done in his life, a man would want his descendants to know that "He had fun?!"

Until next time...

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