Sunday, January 8, 2012

Parade Floats Up Close

Today we got to see the parade floats up close and personal.  We drove to Pasadena City College, where we boarded a shuttle to take us to the float viewing area.  The floats were lined up on city streets near Pasadena High School and there were food and souvenir vendors all along the sides.  We got to go early, ahead of the crowds and before it started to get hot.  Here are some of the images:

We also learned that the Roy Rogers float held the actual stuffed horse and dog that he owned.
Trigger and Bullit

Some other interesting views:
A Mushroom, up close

Showing how close the flowers are attached

The "cobblestone" walk on the HGTV float

A letter made of lentils

Kidney beans covering a car

Where the driver sits

The chassis of a float
How one driver sees the road

One thing that surprised me about the parade itself was how small everything seemed compared to watching it on television.  Then I realized that Colorado Blvd is a 6 lane street and there are thousands of people along the way.  Once we went to see the floats up close, there was no question that they are very large.  Here's a little perspective, showing me against one of the flowers on the Kaiser Permanente float:

As we finished walking both sides of each float on display and the crowds started getting larger, we hopped back on the shuttle, returned to our car and went to pick up Lillie at Kurt's house for the next part of our day - the BEACH!!!

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