Friday, August 1, 2014

Trip Wrap Up

Well, since we've been home for over a week, I decided I should probably get this last post done before it's time to leave again!

Ready to leave Chris's house, we took a moment for some pictures.  Just writing this post, I realized I didn't get any pictures of me with any of the kids!  Bummer, but I guess that's my own fault.

Sid and Chris in front of his house
My son and my grand-dog, Chewy

 Instead of going the most direct way back, we thought we should take the opportunity to see more of the country and took a two lane route across southern Oregon, into Nevada, across Utah and then into Colorado.  Boring, boring, boring!  Southern Oregon was a whole lot of nothing, with tiny "towns" few and far between.

Miles of nothing

More miles of nothing

And MORE miles of nothing!

The only life for miles around

Maybe Nevada will be better?

The little section of Nevada that we crossed was more of the same, but it did have a town...

We stopped for gas there just so we could ask someone how to pronounce it!

One night was spent in Wendover, NV/West Wendover, UT   boondocking in a casino parking lot.  It has a school, so apparently people live there, but it's primarily casinos.  Wendover Will was there to welcome us.

The most interesting sight for days!

The trek across western Utah was equally boring, but after Salt Lake City at least there were mountains to look at.  And, of course, the highlight for us was getting back into Colorado.  I swear, you can tell it's Colorado just by the color of the sky!

Goodbye, Utah.....

Hello, Colorado!

Ahhh, the air just smells better!

And here are a couple of photos that I'm hoping someone can identify.  Sometimes on trips, you see the strangest things and even the internet doesn't provide an answer!

In Oregon somewhere.  I've seen these in other states, but what the heck are they?

In the salt flats of Utah.  If it's a cell phone tower, I've never seen one like it!

It was a shorter trip than planned, thanks to Sid's accident, but it was wonderful to see our sons (and daughter (in-law)) in their home environments.  I miss them all so much!

Sid went to the doctor when we got back and he has not one, but FOUR broken ribs! That pretty much puts the kibosh on any camping this summer as the doc told him it would be about 12 more weeks for him to heal.  But big plans are on the horizon, so watch your email for the next installment!

Happy trails and thanks for reading!